Rem 维护
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,"Attachment:\00她是吴佩慈的婆婆竟能与奥巴马合影 0.bmp",0让你再也白不回来的七大恶习.9,intX,intY
If intX 0 And intY 0 Then
Delay 50
KeyPress "Enter", 1
Delay 50
Goto 登录
End If
Rem 登录
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,"Attachment:\123.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX 0 And intY 0 Then
MoveTo 常吃大蒜洋葱等食物能预防胃癌intX + 30, intY + 10
Delay 50
LeftClick 1
Goto 查询
End If
Rem 查询
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,"Attachment:\456.bmp",0.8,intX,intY
If intX 0 And intY 0 Then
KeyPress "Enter", 1
Delay 50
Goto 确定
End If
Rem 确定 当心绞痛发作时应舌下含药缓解
FindPic 0,0,1920,孕期有效预防黄褐斑的方法1080,"Attachment:\123.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX 0 And intY 0 Then
MoveTo intX + 30, intY + 10
Delay 50
LeftClick 1
Goto 条件1
End If
Rem 条件1
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,"Attachment:\1.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If 校园真实恐怖故事之鬼敲门千万不要在午夜讲鬼故事 麝香草的药用价值与临床应用intX 0 And intY 0 Then
MoveTo intX, intY
Delay 20
LeftClick 1
Goto 条件2
End If
Rem 条件2
FindColor 0,0,1920,1080,"03EBEB",intX,intY
If intX 0 And intY 0 Then
Delay 100
MoveTo 916, 540
LeftDown 1
MoveTo 991, 542
LeftUp 1
Delay 100
KeyPress "X", 1
Delay 100
Goto 条件3
End If
Rem 条件3
FindPic 0,0,1920,1080,"Attachment:\777.bmp",0.7,intX,intY
If intX 0 And intY 0 Then
MoveTo intX, intY+20
Delay 100
LeftClick 1
End If
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