

标题: I5Pe9XpFvk
Rank: 4

UID 175246
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注册 2014-11-5
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发表于 2014-11-7 18:25  资料  个人空间  主页 短消息  加为好友 

? Newspaper Tai'an July 20 (Reporter Kourun Tao) "purchase money already paid for three years, the foundation actually have not been excavated, the developers took our money, all for naught it?" July 20, in Office of Shandong Taian Branch Guangsha Ltd, the high trees now and more than 20 buyers so asked the staff of the company. High tree now told reporters, in May 2007, she was the developers to Jade Garden district bought a house. According to the developer claims,lxq6si3x90, housing down payment buyers need to pay 50% of the total housing fund, and other residents of the completion of the main floor, and then pay 20% of the total housing fund, and finally submitted when the remaining 30% to pay back the principal. At that time, the sales center sales staff stated: "If the down payment to pay 70% of the total housing fund, they can enjoy the benefits, the first pay more money, the greater concessions." Tall Trees now finally pay 210,000 Yuan, the total price of the house she purchased for 220,R036F097bR,000 yuan. However, the tree is now so high did not think that the purchase money to pay for three years, the original inhabitants of houses within the scope of community planning has not yet carried out the demolition, excavation of the foundation of the building did not. High trees are now numerous experiences of finding the sales office would like to check out, but it was rejected. Buyers with high trees and a few existing same experience, the same day came Shandong Guangsha Ltd Taian Branch over 20 buyers are feeling "that they have been cheated by the developer." is November 30, 2006 signed the purchase contract,woolrich roma, the developer promised in the purchase contract on May 28, 2008 will be handed over to his house. But two years later, Yin Yonggang still did not get to buy their own house keys. Developer: by the end of July will give reply Guangsha Ltd Shandong Taian Branch office staff surnamed car called the chairman Zhao CYPRESS phone. On the phone,hNINs47HjR, Zhao told reporters CYPRESS, Jade Garden, cells belonging to the old village renovation project in Tai'an City, due to problems with company funds, and the demolition has been no agreement, so Jade Garden residential construction in abeyance. However, he has indicated to the buyers, "the end of July, the company will give all buyers a reply submitted before the end of the year."



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